Wednesday, July 31, 2019


The author displayed this by implementing his into an existing infrastructure and recording the results of the changes with several stress tests done to the new infrastructure. The platform used for this experiment was Oxen desktop. (Gang 2010). The author is credible because he holds a doctorate in Computer science and is a professor at the Korea advanced Institute of science and technology. He also holds a Masters in computer science with a specialization in POP, grid computing, network optimization and operating systems.This article is credible because the research is presented as a case study in which they test out the efficiency of he new brutalized infrastructure on one of the main hypocrisies used in fertilization technology. The evidence used in this article is relevant and the authors experimentation is the support that backs up this evidence. The researchers also supported by the Korea science and engineering foundation grant funded by the Korean government.The information is article would be used to highlight the advantages of fertilization in a big network setting. Shout T. S. (201 1). Development of an intrusion detection and prevention course project using fertilization technology. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 7(2), 46-55. According to an article written by Chou (2011) a virtual network lab was constructed at East Carolina University to help students work and practice on intrusion detection and prevention.This was done because a virtual lab gave the students and network administrators a much more user-friendly and efficient environment. The virtual network environment allowed the students to each have their own workspace that replicated a network, thus giving them a real-world environment for them to experiment in. Chou 2011). The author is credible because he holds a doctorate in electrical engineering from Florida international University. He is currently an assistant professo r at Indiana State University specializing in digital communication.The article is a quality source of information because the international Journal of Education and Development using Information Communication Technology is a valued E Journal in the technology and communication field. The study is a quality source Of information about the advantages that fertilization brings different types of settings. The information found in this article will be used to highlight the scalability that fertilization brings in how its efficiency over physical machines is an improvement. Chou 2011). You, S. (2012). Economic analysis of cloud-based desktop fertilization implementation at a hospital. BMW Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 12(1 1 9), Retrieved from http:// www. Biomedical. Com/1472-6947/12/119 According to an article written by You (2012) a hospital in Korea implemented a virtual desktop infrastructure into their facility and they conducted a 5 year economic analysis to see how he fertilization could possibly end up saving them money.The author presents the information for statistical analysis and graphs that show how much money they can save based on the amount of virtual machines they choose to implement. (You, 2012). The publication is a good source of information because the BMW Medical Informatics & Decision Making journal is a highly regarded peer-reviewed journal that only publishes work deemed coherent and sound by its many peers. The article is a quality source of information because it highlights the efficiency and financial impact that fertilization can bring in such a huge setting.The information's article be used to highlight the money saving aspects of implementing a fully virtual environment in a short and long-term perspective. (You, 2012). Cue, L (2012). Energy performance assessment of fertilization technologies using small environmental monitoring sensors. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 12, 6610-6628. According to an artic le written by Lu (2012) power consumption is a major issue when it comes to server infrastructures in data centers and the study was done to monitor power consumption of physical servers compared to virtual servers.Small sensors ere used to monitor power consumption in temperatures of both types Of servers. (Lu, 2012). The author presents the information through an experiment in which they use both physical and virtual servers and put them through different processor workloads to monitor how the temperature and power consumption are under different loads of stress. The multidisciplinary Digital publishing Institute is a good source of information because they are publisher of many open access scientific journals with a good portion of them being covered by web science.The article is a good source of information cause it highlights the advantages that fertilization brings to the data centre in the sense of power consumption. The information article will be used to help show how ferti lization brings advantages over physical servers when it comes to power consumption. (Lure 2012). Walters, J. P. (2008). A fault-tolerant strategy for brutalized HIP clusters. The Journal Of Supercomputing, 50, 209-239. According to an article written by Walters (2009) fertilization improves the usage of computing capability, especially in data centers where resource allocation is a top priority.A study as done comparing the overall performance and scalability of different virtual machine platforms. Also present information through a study in which he compared Ovenware server, Oxen, and Open VS.. (Walters, 2008). They measured 3 categories: full fertilization, Para-fertilization, operating system-level fertilization. The article is a good source of information it shows the many different ways that computing resources can be consolidated and the advantages that they bring.The Journal of supercomputing is a good source of information because they are a journal that publishes articles and studies based on all aspects of supercomputing. The information in the article will be used to show the versatility of fertilization and how you can tailor it to your needs. (Walters, 2008). Engine, M. (201 1). High availability using fertilization. International Transactions in Applied 195-200. According to an article written by Engine (2011 ) fertilization technology needs more ways to Introduce high availability to its infrastructure to ensure a seamless experience in the decanter.He is a big proponent of having a proven failover mechanism being implemented into physical servers being used to virtual machines, this will ensure a secure environment where management and backup lotions are of the highest priority. (Engine, 2011). The author is a good source of information because he is a research scholar at JOT University, a University in India specializing in education related to object oriented programming and technology.The publication â€Å"international transactions and ap plied sciences† is a good source of information because they are Journal that publishes many articles in the fields of mathematical modeling and optimization. It is quarterly journal that is frequently read by researchers and computer science, physics, chemistry, applied sciences, etc†¦ The article is a good source Of information because the researchers presented not only the advantages Of fertilization but also the points that were fertilization can see improvement.The information is article be used to show were fertilization has some holes and how some of the newer technology that is out now helps to improve on high-availability and stability. (Engine, 201 1) Keening, Y. (2012). Performance combination evaluation from single virtual machine to multiple virtual machine systems. International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling, 9(2), 351-370. According to an article written y Keening (2012) fertilization technology can bring many bottlenecks when it comes to high-pe rformance computing and decanter usage.The goal of this article was to experiment and evaluate where these bottlenecks are in single and multiple virtual machine systems. The author is a good source Of information could he IS currently working on his PhD in computer science at both Jagging University and the University of Sydney. He received his bachelors in software engineering from Jagging University and currently specializes in fertilization and cloud computing, is also member of the SPEC search group and ERG cloud working group.The publication is a good source of information because the international Journal of numerical analysis and modeling is a journal that dedicated to the wide spectrum of numerical methods in science and engineering. It only publishes high-quality papers pertaining to all fields of numerical analysis and mathematical modeling (including scientific computing). The article is a good source of information because the study shows the different capabilities of s ingle and multiple virtual machine systems and where bottlenecks happen that may cause performance issues possibly.The information is article be used to highlight where fertilization can be utilized the best to avoid bottlenecks that can cause performance issues. (Keening, 201 2) Sheriff, M. (2012). Power-efficient distributed scheduling of virtual machines using workload-aware consolidation techniques. The Journal of Supercomputing, 61 , 46-66. According to an article written by Sheriff (2012) power consumption is a major issue in data centers, especially in those where many clients are expecting to be using the system with little to no response time.The author goes through four different models to display the preferences in power consumption and server utilization. He then proposes an energy efficient approach that can consolidate energy used. The authors is a good source of information because he holds a PhD in computer science with a sofa;are concentration and was a professor at the Victoria University of Manchester and is currently professor at the Iran University of science and technology. The Journal of supercomputing is a good source of information because they are a journal that publishes articles and studies based on all aspects Of supercomputing.The article is a good source Of information cause it's a research-based study that shows how the models differ when it comes to their power consumption and then when he introduces the proposed model the results display the advantages of a more energy aware approach to the decanter. The information is article be used to explain that even though fertilization can be implemented, there are still many ways to improve upon it that can help from a business aspect. (Sheriff, 2012). Mansard, M. (2013). Towards fertilization in cloud computing.International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 4(8), This article, written y Mansard (2013) discusses cloud computing and its applications in today's technolog ical landscape. He discusses grid computing relation to cloud computing and how fertilization plays a key role in the functionality of cloud computing. The author is a good source of information because he currently works at the computer engineering department at Islamic Sad University and has written many articles pertaining to the sciences.The publication is a good source of information because it is an online open access in peer- reviewed journal with many articles on computer science and relevant fields. This article is a good source of information because it introduces cloud computing and how fertilization is one of the building blocks of how cloud computing works. The information is article will be used to display the power and simplicity that fertilization can bring over networks and how that brings ease to users. (Mansard, 2013). Claudia, M. (2009). Romulus: Disaster tolerant system based on kernel virtual machines.Annals of DAM for 2009 & Proceedings of the 20th Internation al DAM Symposium, 20(1), 1671-1672. This article, written by Claudia (2009) alas about disaster tolerance in computer systems and how fertilization technology brings a slew of new ways to keep computer systems up and running even in times of emergency or accidents. He introduces a new algorithm (Romulus) for disaster tolerance that allows for optimum failover for a VIM cluster. The author is a good source of information because he's had more than 10 years Of professional experience in the field and is currently a software engineer at twitter.The DAM International World Symposium is a good source of information because traditionally DAM is an association for international scientific and academic cooperation in relation to intelligent automation in modern production. They have a yearly symposium were professionals in the field discuss the latest developments. This article is a good source of information because it focuses on the different techniques in which you can keep a virtual net work infrastructure intact when disaster strikes.The information is article be used to highlight how failsafe mechanisms can be implemented to keep a virtual machine network intact. (Claudia, 2009). Ferguson, S. (2008, September 22). Ovenware takes the long view. Www. Seek. Mom, According to an article written by Ferguson (2008) Ovenware began to take a long-term approach when it comes to implementing the virtual data centre. They introduced a new fertilization platform (VOID- SO) and many new software that are going to change the functionality of the data centre and how it interacts with different devices.The website is a good source of information because it routinely posts news and upcoming developments in the technology field. The article is a good source of information because it shows how companies are looking to innovate and continue to bring change to fertilization. The evidence in the article is relevant to fertilization because the very things that Ovenware introduced back in 2008 are now being used regularly by many businesses to take their optimization Of the data centre to the next level now.The information article will be used to show how Ovenware implemented a plan to change how fertilization works for data centers and how far they've come since introducing their new software initiative. (Ferguson, 2008) Rose, R. (2004). Survey of system fertilization techniques. In www. Robertson. Com. This article, written by Rose (2009) takes a look at the two main ways in which retaliation is implemented into computers. He takes a brief look at the history of fertilization and how full fertilization and Para-fertilization work on different chippies.The author is a good source of information that he is currently a director of flight software at Spaces, a rocket and spacecraft manufacturer. He also previously worked at Boor 3-D and Sony computer, he also has a degree from Oregon State University. Rose's website is a good source of information because its a blo b that he keeps up-to-date in which he discusses various topics in the IT industry and new happenings in the business. Rose is an experienced professional the field and provides a lot of good insight to other IT professionals.The article is a good source of information because the information about fertilization is broken down from its early history and then transitioned to the very specifics of its inner workings and the differences in its operation on different chippies. The information in this article will be used to explain the early beginnings Of fertilization and the main differences be;en full fertilization and Para- fertilization and how each of them have their advantages. (Rose, 2004) Pedal, P. (2007). Performance evaluation of fertilization technologies for server consolidation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Psychology of Terrorism Essay

Sexual harassment defined is any act that amounts to sexual advances that are unwelcome including asking for favors that are sexual related and also use of obscene and vulgar language. (O’Shea, 1998)Sexual harassment is classified as a crime in many countries and is therefore punishable by law. This paper takes an in-depth look at sexual harassments, how different victims are treated especially as far as age is concerned and the various laws regarding sexual harassment. 1. Define the two types of sexual harassment recognized by the courts. a) Generally there are two types of sexual harassment recognized by the courts. The first type of sexual harassment is one that affects one in his or her employment. (O’Shea, 1998) For instance if a supervisor asks one of his subordinates for a sexual favor with threats that if the subordinate is not cooperative then he or she will lose his or her job, then this amounts to sexual harassment. This kind of sexual harassment can only be done by a person who possesses authority over another and who is able to influence the employment of the victim in question. Such tangible employment actions include demotion, slashing of salaries, and unwarranted termination of employment. This mind of sexual harassment is commonly referred to as quid pro quo meaning â€Å"this for that†. This literally means that give me this and you will get that. b). The other kind of sexual harassment is known as hostile environment. This is normally the general conduct of employees in an organization as opposed to the conduct of one person like in the previous type of sexual harassment. Some of the behaviors that may contribute to a hostile environment in an organization include: i) Constant use of vulgar and obscene language. ii) Making comments in regard to the physical attributes of a person but in sexual related manner. iii) Giving favors to anyone involved in sexual activities in the organization. iv) Touching a person without their submission. v) Use of terms to indicate that there is a sexual relationship between the two while in fact it does not exist. vi) Use of indecent symbols signs and gestures. 2. Compare and contrast the rights of juveniles to that of adults. The rights provided of adults and children both as victims of sexual harassment differ slightly although the main aim for both is to protect victims of sexual harassment. (O’Shea, 1998) Usually the law is more strict one acts of sexual harassment done against children and the elderly putting into consideration their delicate nature. Sexual harassment of minors and small children is referred to as defilement and always carries a more severe punishment. Sexual harassment of an adult person is also classified crime and is in contravention with the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Any person be it a child an, adult or an elderly person if undergoes sexual harassment one is required to report to the relevant authorities using the right procedure which varies from institution to institution and form country to country. Sexual harassment is an act that is recognized as a crime in many countries of the world and thus a victim should not be embarrassed to report as this might make the behavior to get worse. Reference: O’Shea, T. (1998). Sexual Harassment: A Practical Guide to the Law, Your Rights, and Your Options for Taking Action. St Martin’s Griffins, London.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis Of Factors Influencing Activities Of Bmw Marketing Essay

Analysis Of Factors Influencing Activities Of Bmw Marketing Essay This text is an analysis of factors influencing the activities of BMW in its efforts to enhance the participation in national and international markets. At the very beginning of the text, the link between profitability and competition is briefly outlined. The nest phase provides a brief insight into the background of the firm, followed by a brief insight into the Mintzberg’s and Whittington’s views on emergent school of strategy formation. The history of the BMW is scrutinised to identify an event which has presented the firm with the strategic paradoxes discussed by Mintzberg. The next chapter of the report consists of an analysis of the external environment with the aid of a PESTLE and Porter’s Diamond Framework and a look into the impact of home market condition on BMW’s international activities. The final chapters of the report outlines the key strategic decisions that BMW will have to take in the near future and the implementation issues related to t he decisions concern. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Organisational background 2 3.0 Scope 3 4.0 Strategy paradoxes in BMW’s history 3 5.0 External environment 5 6.0 Internal strengths and weaknesses 8 7.0 Key strategic decisions or recommendations 10 8.0 Implementation challenges 10 9.0 Conclusion 11 10.0 References 13 12.0 Appendices 14 Appendix A – BMW Group in Figures 14 List of Figures Figure 1: BMW Group Revenues by region 2 Figure 2: BMW Group Deliveries of automobiles by region and market 2 Figure 3: Oil price trend 5 Figure 4: Exchange rates compared to the Euro 6 Figure 5: BMW Group in figures 14 1.0 Introduction An organisation can increase upon its profitability either by locating an attractive industry or by establishing a distinct competitive advantage over its rivals. Over the years with increasing competition across all the industries, very few industries environments guarantee definitive secure returns. Establishing a competitive advantage, t hus, has become the primary goal of devising any strategy within an organisation. A successful organisation makes its balance sheet stronger by establishing and sustaining competitive advantage. The secret of sustaining competitive advantage in a firm lies in its expertise at keeping their competitors away from imitating successful strategies. The greater the difficulty that rivals face in analysing the resources and capabilities required in order to imitate the source of competitive advantage, the greater is the sustainability of the firm’s competitive advantage. Resources and capabilities, thus, are fundamental to a company’s strategy and decision-making. However, in an international context, a firm’s potential for competitive advantage not only lies in its resources and capabilities but also by the government under which it operates, the legal policies in those countries, exchange rates and a number of other factors. Thus, in order to decide whether an organi sation should participate more at national and international level necessitates a thorough analysis of two factors – (i) the industrial attractiveness of the overseas market and (ii) the firm’s capability of effectively transferring its resource and capabilities to the new location. While I put forward my arguments and analysis, I would like to follow a structured approach. I would first provide a brief organisational background followed by the scope of this report. Next, I would touch upon the organisational history and highlight couple of critical incidents to illustrate some of the strategy paradoxes by some of the leading commentators from the emergent school of thought. I would then perform an external environment analysis in order to identify the threats and opportunities in the industry followed by an internal analysis to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation. This would lead to the key success factors and finally I would come up with the ke y strategic decisions that the company need to take and the implementation challenges associated with it before concluding this report.

IFRS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

IFRS - Essay Example U.S. GAAP consist the accounting standards whose history date back since 1930s. The standards were put in place by the American Institute of Accountants following the stock market crash in 1929. Between 1938 and 1939, U.S. GAAP was established under the pressure of the chief accountant of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The chief accountant required AIA to provide substantial standards to be observed when performing accounting practices. A special committee was formed thereby recommending several accounting and reporting standards as well as introduced the concept of â€Å"financial statements.† This paper summarizes the difference between IFRS and US GAAP as well as gives you an understanding of what these two set of standards are. 1. Under US GAAP Inventory is carried at the lower of cost or market, where market is current replacement cost. LIFO permitted. Under IFRS Inventory is carried at a lower of cost or realized value. Realizable value is the best estimate of the amount expected to be realized considering the business purpose. LIFO is prohibited 2. Under US GAAP Inventory write downs are write down to lower of cost or market creates a new cost basis. Reversal of previously written down amounts are prohibited. Under IFRS previously written down amounts can be reversed up to the original impairment loss if the reason for impairment no longer exists. 3. When determining a method for long lived asset impairment under US GAAP you must use the two step approach. Must perform the recovery test and if not met you must then perform the impairment test. Under IFRS you can use a one-step approach. 4. Under financial documents, US GAAP required financial statements to incorporate a balance sheet, income and cash flow statements, changes in equity and footnotes. Also, US GAAP required that current and non-current assets be separated while interests are incorporated in liabilities on a separate entry

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Explain the differences between globalization and modernization Essay

Explain the differences between globalization and modernization. Explain why people are migrating all over the globe Is this migration based on economics, politics or social changes - Essay Example According to He, the modern societies are considered healthier and wealthy and people in the non-developed countries are willing to adapt western culture and lifestyles since it is considered modern (p 242). It is evident that societies that are considered modern have a higher quality of life due to efficient transport infrastructure, higher income levels, quality healthcare and better education systems (He 244). Globalization and modernization differ in many aspects since globalization is mainly spearheaded by global economic integration while modernization is spearheaded by social development of the society. Globalization influences the international division of labor, allocation of capital, and national power thus leading to inequalities among the nations. In this case, modernization is a global process while globalization is just one of the phenomenon of modernization, but the two have no direct connections (He 240). Globalization has been influenced by the deregulation of national economies, formation of international trade and finance organizations, and intensity of competition in domestic markets that has forced the firms to expand to foreign markets. On the other hand, modernization is driven by the desire to attain higher standards of living, social-cultural shifts towards information and technology and higher education levels (He 245). Globalization is a deliberate process that is undertaken by the national governments through trade agreements and political agreements while modernization is a transition process that takes place due to technologies discoveries that forces society to move from agricultural to industry society and finally to a risky society that is characterized by diversity and individualistic culture (He 247). The transition to a modern society will lead to changes in perceptions on family, religion, politics and economy since modern societies are regarded

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Global Human Resource Managemenet Stratgy Assignment

Global Human Resource Managemenet Stratgy - Assignment Example The report ends with the recommendations that are very important for the new venture to incorporate in its work plan. The report aims at delivering a recommendation report to Human Resource director of Hilton Hotels Corporation. It highlights the internal evaluation of strategies adopted by Hilton Hotels Corporation and examines requirements of a new joint venture that is planned in China. In China, Hilton Group has already established their hotels as Hilton China, but they have concentrated in entering into a joint venture with Swire Hotels in Mainland China. Thus, the report elaborates human resource requirements for the new joint venture in China. Hospitality industry includes wide range of services like event planning, lodging, transportation and hotels. The growth in revenue in this particular sector depends on the availability of the disposable income and leisure time of the individuals. The global hospitality industry has encountered growth for the last five years due to the increase in demand for different services. The following graph indicates the trend of demand and supply in this particular industry for the last five years. From the above figure it can be depicted that the demand for the hospitality services were much less than that of the supply of the same. The reason behind this difference in demand and supply can be stated as the decrease in disposable income of the individual globally. Disposable income is the main driver to boost revenue in this industry. The leisure time also plays an important role for governing the increase or decrease in demand for services in this sector; as with the increase in competition worldwide people have become more conscious regarding their job and thus they do not get much time to spend with their family. For example, if the hotel sector is taken into account it can be stated that with the rise in price of the hotel rooms the demand

Friday, July 26, 2019

Womens Roles Then & Now Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Womens Roles Then & Now - Essay Example Physical labor was demanded, women now began to look after the home as men perform more physical duties, and the pattern was set. The role of women was to be a significant part of the entire society. Many historical feminists such as Alice Walker and Isabel Allende believed that women were necessary in order for the society to run smoothly. Women have been treated as unequal and far different from men (Majupuria, 1990). These feminists believed that although men were stronger physically than women, women had strengths far much superior in most areas. This made women more suited in life for certain responsibilities. This paper therefore seeks to address women’s role then and now. In so doing, the paper will script a conversation between two notable women from 18th and 19th century (Alice Walker and Isabel Allende) on the roles women should play in the society. In this conversation, the paper will include biographic details of the women, their historical status in the period the y lived, the opinion the held during the time they lived on the role women should play in the society, and what they might think about the current roles of women. Alice Walker, best referred to as the author of The Color Purple, was Georgia sharecropper’s eighth child. ... Alice Walker became known to a much wider audience in 1982 when The Color Purple came out. This brought both controversy and fame. She was criticized widely for portraying men negatively in The Color Purple. Alice Walker was credited with introducing for African American feminism the word â€Å"womanist†. Alice Walker took on the female circumcision in Africa in 1989 and 1992 in Possessing the Secret of Joy and The Temple of My Familiar. This brought further controversy on the role of women in the society and attracted questions whether Alice Walker was a cultural imperialist so as she could criticize other cultures. The works of Alice Walker are known for emphasis on women roles and portrayal of the life of African American life. She illustrates vividly the racism, poverty, and sexism that make a woman life a struggle. She also portrayed women as the strengths of the community and family, and as a person of self worth and spirituality. Most of Alice Walker’s novels sho w women in other history periods than our own. For example, she gives a sense of similarities and differences of the condition of women today and in the past. Alice Walker has continued to be active in feminist causes and matters of economic justice focusing on the role of women (Walker, 1998). Isabel Allende was born in Peru, Lima to a Chilean diplomat father. She lived with her divorced mother. Isabel Allende worked as a secretary and then journalist on television, print and in documentary movies. After the assassination and overthrow of Salvador Allende, her uncle, president of Chile in 1973, Isabel, her husband and children left for Venezuela for safety. It was during exile that Isabel begun to write her first novel,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Written statement about educational psychology (Human Development) Personal

Written about educational psychology (Human Development) - Personal Statement Example My interest in human psychology and educational background make me a suitable candidate to get admission in the University of Colorado’s master degree program. I believe that a master degree in this field will definitely help me achieve my personal and professional goals. One main reason for applying in this program is related to my professional life. I want to establish my career in the field of educational psychology, and that is only possible if I get an opportunity to get a master degree from a prestigious university. University of Colorado is known for its highly qualified faculty not only in field of educational psychology (human development) but also in all other courses being offered by the university. It is due to the well-experienced faculty of the University of Colorado, that I have taken my decision to do masters from this great university. I want to complete my education under the guidance of well-experienced faculty of the University of Colorado, as it will help me become a professional in the field of educational psychology. After completing my education, I want to use my knowledge and skills to ensure proper child development, to bring productive changes in the lives of children, and to make children come out of educational stress. I want to be skilled in using educational and psychological assessment techniques to help children who face difficulties in learning and social adjustment. I believe that a country can progress only if its citizens get high quality education from the top universities of the world. I have collected facts about the universities, which offer Master in Education Psychology (Human Development) program and after analyzing all facts and issues, I have made up my mind to pursue the master degree from the University of Colorado because it provides highest quality education in all fields of study. I believe that the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Impacts of Entrepreneurship in the Health Sector Essay

Impacts of Entrepreneurship in the Health Sector - Essay Example Creativity in the health care environment has brought about efficiency in management of this sector as new methods have been developed, which have significantly altered the traditional approach as the term entrepreneur or innovation was not used in HealthCare. An entrepreneur in health care will create value in the sector by developing new ideas of how to attend to the operations of the health care setting, which will see to it that efficiency and competitiveness is achieved. Various entrepreneurial spirit ideas such as advancement in equipment and technology used in healthcare has had both negative and positive impacts on the health care sector. Today there are many healthcare providers in the market, and it has become a consumer driven sector. This means that consumer satisfaction is paramount for any health care venture and there needs to be innovation on how best to meet consumer needs. Consumers are rational, and they will choose the provider who best satisfies their needs by co nsidering costs, quality and availability of health care whenever they needs it. For this reason, innovation in this sector is important as an entrepreneur will come up with a unique strategy, which will ensure that they are competitive in the market, and get and retain customers (Exton, 2008). ... The innovative ideas brought forward by entrepreneurs have changed healthcare to make it more efficient and readily available, and an example is websites such as WebMD and Resolution Health, which offers consumers with information on drugs, diseases and prescriptions. Quality information on doctors and hospitals is also provided in these site, and this has increased efficiency in the sector as patients are able to get prescriptions from the comfort of their the past people had to go visit the doctors at their stations and incase of a serious illness that required immediate attention, survival of the [patient would be undermined. However, today, the entrepreneurial spirit has reduced the distance between patients and physicians as they can be able to communicate over the internet through the various platforms that entrepreneurs in the healthcare sector have developed. Innovation has resulted to the development of equipment used for diagnosis that has resulted to many procedur es, which required a visit to the doctor to be done out of hospital. Another example is the dial a doctor strategy, where, a person in need of medical attention can call the physician and they get advice over the phone at a fee. This has significantly improved services and efficiency in the health care sector, which in turn results to increased profits. Entrepreneurship in the health sector has led to innovations, which are aimed at attracting more patients, and this is the basis of increased profits since more patients will mean more patients, which means more customers and higher profits. Despite the numerous advantages that entrepreneurship has brought to the healthcare sector, it also has negative aspects, which

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Exacavation Report Tel Dan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exacavation Report Tel Dan - Essay Example The first mention of Dan is in Genesis, 14:14, when Lot was taken captive by armed men, and so Abram chased them up to Dan, a city first called Laish or Leshem. Dan-Laish was founded in the fifth millennium BC. It was a prosperous city, with a sloping earth rampart and mud-brick triple-arched gate as defence, which allowed the inhabitants to feel safe and secure. Biran surmised that the formidable sloping earth rampart with a gate was the one Abraham saw when he reached the city2. So much has been said of the Tel Dan mysteries that in 1966 archaeologist Avraham Biran began digging the site for its secrets. Biran stressed biblical archaeology, with the two important disciplines, archaeological research and biblical studies, as the base for their excavations and efforts. These made a positive effect on their work3. An important discovery is the house of David inscription. This is a ninth century BCE victory statement in Aramaic language and inscribed on a basalt stone. The inscription is attributed to an Aramaic king Hazael of Damascus, who conquered the city of Dan around the 840s, decorated the inscription in a public place to indicate his power and sovereignty over the city. When the Israelites recaptured the city, they torn and broke down the inscription and reused it as construction material. Archaeologists led by Avraham Biran so far discovered three fragments of the inscriptions, which they found within the walls of the outer gate4. The inscription tells us that the Aramaic king killed the kings of Israel (Joram) and Judah (Ahaziah). But this is contrary to the texts in the 2nd Book of Kings, Chapter 9, where Jehu killed Joram, king of Israel, and Ahaziah, king of Judah. These are two interesting contradictions that need to be clarified, probably with the help of future finds at Tel Dan. The inscriptions were found in three fragments, all found in the same general area of Tel

Good and Evil (a Wrinkle in Time, and Frankenstein Review) Essay Example for Free

Good and Evil (a Wrinkle in Time, and Frankenstein Review) Essay â€Å"Life is neither good or evil, but only a place for good and evil. † Marcus Aurelius. A Wrinkle in Time is a book about the journey through the war of good versus evil and the ultimate triumph of love. Every character is clearly distinguished with either good or evil: the â€Å"good† characters include Meg, her family, Calvin, the Mrs. W’s, Aunt Beast, and the Happy Medium; the â€Å"evil† characters include IT, The Dark Thing, and the Man with the Red Eyes. Frankenstein, on the other hand, is a story told in a series of letters, as Robert Walton, the captain of a ship bound for the North Pole, recounts to his sister back in England the progress of his dangerous mission. Successful early on, the mission is soon to be disturbed by seas full of impassable ice. Trapped, Walton encounters Victor Frankenstein, who had been travelling by dog-drawn sledge across the ice and is weakened by the cold. Walton take him abroad the ship, helps nurse him back to health, and hears the fantastic tale of the monster the Frankenstein created. This tale that Frankenstein is reciting reveals the two sides that a person, or a living creature can portray: good and evil. Frankenstein was banned in South Africa for being â€Å"obscene† and â€Å"indecent†, while A Wrinkle in Time was banned for having a fantasy-related genre throughout the plot, including witches and demons. Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. â€Å"Slave, I before reasoned with you, but you have proved yourself unworthy of my condescension. Remember that I have power; you believe yourself miserable, but I can make you so wretched that the light of day will be hateful to you. You are my creator, but I am your master; obey! † (Shelley 149). In Frankenstein, the monster represents evil, as it comes to life, and terrorizes its creator. Dangerous knowledge is an ideal theme in Frankenstein. The pursuit of knowledge is right in the middle of Frankenstein, as Victor attempts to go beyond accepted human limits and find out the secret of life. Likewise, Robert Walton attempts to pass the past human explorations by being determined to reach the North Pole. In A Wrinkle In Time, comfort and individuality is a major theme that I saw throughout the plot. The main character, Meg, is caught between the desire for conformity and the expression of her own creative nature. At the beginning of the novel Meg feels embittered towards other students at her school that make fun of her and tease her for being different, as well as those who see her little brother as being weird or odd. She desperately wants to be more like her twin brothers who have little problem fitting in. The theme that the two stories share, and that I have mentioned before, is the theme titled good and evil: â€Å"Suddenly there was a great burst of light through the Darkness. The light spread out and where it touched the Darkness the Darkness disappeared. The light spread until the patch of Dark Thing had vanished, and there was only a gentle shining, and through the shining came the stars, clear and pure. Then, slowly, the shining dwindled until it, too, was gone, and there was nothing but stars and starlight. No shadows. No fear. Only the stars and the clear darkness of space, quite different from the fearful darkness of the Thing† (L’Engle 102). Its interesting that the defeat of the Black Thing doesnt lead to the universe being lit up like a baseball stadium, but rather to an absence of unnatural darkness. Its almost like the battle isnt so much between evil and good as between evil and the normal. Characters are â€Å"Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations† Ray Bradbury. In Frankenstein, the main character or the creator of the monster. Victor becomes obsessed with the idea of creating an artificial human form and eventually attempts to make it. Immediately after creating the monster, he falls into a depression and starts to fear. He leaves the school and returns home to his family, where he finds only tragedy. Not fully aware of the consequences of his creating a new human, he ends up really spending his entire life trying to destroy the same creation he was working to make for so long. In a Wrinkle In Time however, the protagonist is portrayed a bit differently: Meg Murry, The books hero, an awkward, but loving high school student who is sent on an adventure through time and space with her brother Charles Wallace and friend Calvin to rescue her father from the evil force that is attempting to take over the universe. Megs greatest faults are her anger, impatience, and lack of self-confidence, but she changes and overcomes them, and in the end is victorious, as the story ends with a stereotypical kid’s-story ending. A happy ending for the protagonist. The main differences that I saw between the two are the two protagonists: Meg Murry (A Wrinkle In Time), and Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein), are to begin with, set in different times. A Wrinkle In Time could be set anywhere in the recent past. Frankenstein however, is set in the late 18th century. The whole concept of Frankenstein is much darker, and in fact I would say it could be classified as gothic science fiction, as the characters are much darker, and seem more serious and cold-hearted by the way Shelley describes them compared to the other book. A Wrinkle In Time is much lighter, as the characters, their actions, and abilities are all easier, and always give the advantage to the â€Å"good guys†. Also the whole concept of the book, and the idea of it, is more for a child’s imagination to handle and comprehend compared to Frankenstein, and I would classify it as plain science and fantasy fiction. Although these differences shape the stories in totally different directions, there are some similarities: The similarities between the characters and their traits are that they both have solid downsides to them. As I mentioned before, Meg’s (A Wrinkle In Time) faults are her temper, impatience, and lack of confidence in herself, and Victor’s (Frankenstein) faults are that he is in a depression and great fear throughout the plot after the Monster is created and is woken. Another trait I can compare between the two protagonists, are their determination to reach their final goal. Although I cannot see it in either book, but both books were officially banned in one place or another for ridiculous reasons. Frankenstein was banned in South Africa for being â€Å"obscene† and â€Å"indecent† in 1955. Maybe 57 years ago there were different rules and traits a person had to portray to be defined as â€Å"good†, but to make this specific book banned for being â€Å"obscene† (which means that it is offensive or the opposite of accepted manner). A Wrinkle In Time is banned for having witches, crystal balls and demons. Also, because Jesus is listed among the names of great artists, philosophers and teachers, and it is banned in the U. S. â€Å"Thus strangely are our souls constructed, and by such slight ligaments are we bound to prosperity or ruin† (Shelley 37). All in all, these books have more differences than similarities in my opinion. Although both are really good, one is dark while the other is light compared. The similarities that I saw in the characters, the themes, and the reason they were censored are mostly because of the relationship between good and evil throughout it. Studying these two books and the reason for them being banned has surprisingly changed my life in a minor way, as I learned how people from different cultures and education they grew up with react to different things, and I learned to compare and contrast, not only the books, but real life situations such as the South Africans who banned Frankenstein versus my lifestyle and way-of-thinking. â€Å"Life is neither good or evil, but only a place for good and evil. † Marcus Aurelius. A Wrinkle in Time is a book about the journey through the war of good versus evil and the ultimate triumph of love. Every character is clearly distinguished with either good or evil: the â€Å"good† characters include Meg, her family, Calvin, the Mrs. W’s, Aunt Beast, and the Happy Medium; the â€Å"evil† characters include IT, The Dark Thing, and the Man with the Red Eyes. Frankenstein, on the other hand, is a story told in a series of letters, as Robert Walton, the captain of a ship bound for the North Pole, recounts to his sister back in England the progress of his dangerous mission. Successful early on, the mission is soon to be disturbed by seas full of impassable ice. Trapped, Walton encounters Victor Frankenstein, who had been travelling by dog-drawn sledge across the ice and is weakened by the cold. Walton take him abroad the ship, helps nurse him back to health, and hears the fantastic tale of the monster the Frankenstein created. This tale that Frankenstein is reciting reveals the two sides that a person, or a living creature can portray: good and evil. Frankenstein was banned in South Africa for being â€Å"obscene† and â€Å"indecent†, while A Wrinkle in Time was banned for having a fantasy-related genre throughout the plot, including witches and demons. Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. â€Å"Slave, I before reasoned with you, but you have proved yourself unworthy of my condescension. Remember that I have power; you believe yourself miserable, but I can make you so wretched that the light of day will be hateful to you. You are my creator, but I am your master; obey! † (Shelley 149). In Frankenstein, the monster represents evil, as it comes to life, and terrorizes its creator. Dangerous knowledge is an ideal theme in Frankenstein. The pursuit of knowledge is right in the middle of Frankenstein, as Victor attempts to go beyond accepted human limits and find out the secret of life. Likewise, Robert Walton attempts to pass the past human explorations by being determined to reach the North Pole. In A Wrinkle In Time, comfort and individuality is a major theme that I saw throughout the plot. The main character, Meg, is caught between the desire for conformity and the expression of her own creative nature. At the beginning of the novel Meg feels embittered towards other students at her school that make fun of her and tease her for being different, as well as those who see her little brother as being weird or odd. She desperately wants to be more like her twin brothers who have little problem fitting in. The theme that the two stories share, and that I have mentioned before, is the theme titled good and evil: â€Å"Suddenly there was a great burst of light through the Darkness. The light spread out and where it touched the Darkness the Darkness disappeared. The light spread until the patch of Dark Thing had vanished, and there was only a gentle shining, and through the shining came the stars, clear and pure. Then, slowly, the shining dwindled until it, too, was gone, and there was nothing but stars and starlight. No shadows. No fear. Only the stars and the clear darkness of space, quite different from the fearful darkness of the Thing† (L’Engle 102). Its interesting that the defeat of the Black Thing doesnt lead to the universe being lit up like a baseball stadium, but rather to an absence of unnatural darkness. Its almost like the battle isnt so much between evil and good as between evil and the normal. Characters are â€Å"Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations† Ray Bradbury. In Frankenstein, the main character or the creator of the monster. Victor becomes obsessed with the idea of creating an artificial human form and eventually attempts to make it. Immediately after creating the monster, he falls into a depression and starts to fear. He leaves the school and returns home to his family, where he finds only tragedy. Not fully aware of the consequences of his creating a new human, he ends up really spending his entire life trying to destroy the same creation he was working to make for so long. In a Wrinkle In Time however, the protagonist is portrayed a bit differently: Meg Murry, The books hero, an awkward, but loving high school student who is sent on an adventure through time and space with her brother Charles Wallace and friend Calvin to rescue her father from the evil force that is attempting to take over the universe. Megs greatest faults are her anger, impatience, and lack of self-confidence, but she changes and overcomes them, and in the end is victorious, as the story ends with a stereotypical kid’s-story ending. A happy ending for the protagonist. The main differences that I saw between the two are the two protagonists: Meg Murry (A Wrinkle In Time), and Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein), are to begin with, set in different times. A Wrinkle In Time could be set anywhere in the recent past. Frankenstein however, is set in the late 18th century. The whole concept of Frankenstein is much darker, and in fact I would say it could be classified as gothic science fiction, as the characters are much darker, and seem more serious and cold-hearted by the way Shelley describes them compared to the other book. A Wrinkle In Time is much lighter, as the characters, their actions, and abilities are all easier, and always give the advantage to the â€Å"good guys†. Also the whole concept of the book, and the idea of it, is more for a child’s imagination to handle and comprehend compared to Frankenstein, and I would classify it as plain science and fantasy fiction. Although these differences shape the stories in totally different directions, there are some similarities: The similarities between the characters and their traits are that they both have solid downsides to them. As I mentioned before, Meg’s (A Wrinkle In Time) faults are her temper, impatience, and lack of confidence in herself, and Victor’s (Frankenstein) faults are that he is in a depression and great fear throughout the plot after the Monster is created and is woken. Another trait I can compare between the two protagonists, are their determination to reach their final goal. Although I cannot see it in either book, but both books were officially banned in one place or another for ridiculous reasons. Frankenstein was banned in South Africa for being â€Å"obscene† and â€Å"indecent† in 1955. Maybe 57 years ago there were different rules and traits a person had to portray to be defined as â€Å"good†, but to make this specific book banned for being â€Å"obscene† (which means that it is offensive or the opposite of accepted manner). A Wrinkle In Time is banned for having witches, crystal balls and demons. Also, because Jesus is listed among the names of great artists, philosophers and teachers, and it is banned in the U. S. â€Å"Thus strangely are our souls constructed, and by such slight ligaments are we bound to prosperity or ruin† (Shelley 37). All in all, these books have more differences than similarities in my opinion. Although both are really good, one is dark while the other is light compared. The similarities that I saw in the characters, the themes, and the reason they were censored are mostly because of the relationship between good and evil throughout it. Studying these two books and the reason for them being banned has surprisingly changed my life in a minor way, as I learned how people from different cultures and education they grew up with react to different things, and I learned to compare and contrast, not only the books, but real life situations such as the South Africans who banned Frankenstein versus my lifestyle and way-of-thinking.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sample Media Interview Q&a Essay Example for Free

Sample Media Interview Qa Essay Sample Media Interview QA Internal Question Answer (QA) documents are often developed to prepare media spokespersons for interviews and include tougher questions than FAQs. Internal QAs also include areas of vulnerability (e. g. who is to blame and could the medical response have been quicker? ) Use the sample QAs below as a guide to create your own during a crisis event. Q: What happened? (Examples: How many people were injured or killed? How much property damage occurred? ) A: At approximately XX:XX, an incident was reported at (location). The details at this point are unknown, however we are working very closely with local emergency response agencies to ensure that the safety of the surrounding community remains the number one priority. Q: Was this a terrorist incident? A: An investigation is taking place and we will update you with details from that investigation as we receive them. Right now, however, our greatest concern is for the welfare of the victims and their families. Q: When did it happen? A: Early reports indicate that the incident happened at approximately XX:XX. Q: Who is to blame? A: The details at this point are unknown. An investigation is taking place and we will update you with details from that investigation as we receive them. Right now, our main focus is on rescue efforts and on the well-being of the victims and their families. Q: Has this ever happened before? A: I will be happy to research that and get back to you, right now we are focused on the incident at hand, and on making sure that members of the surrounding community are safe. Q: Who was involved? A: In order to protect the privacy of those involved, we are withholding the release of victims’ names pending notification of family members. Q: Why did it happen? What was the cause? A: Those details will be investigated. Right now our primary concern is for the welfare of the victims and their families. Q: Will there be inconvenience to the public? A: That information will become available once the damage is assessed by local emergency response agencies. If we gather future information, we will be sure to pass it along. Q: When will we find out more? A: Our company, along with our local emergency response agencies, will be providing updates throughout the day. We encourage you to check our website at www. xxxxxx. com for up-to-the-minute information.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategies for Pricing, Promotion and Marketing Analysis

Strategies for Pricing, Promotion and Marketing Analysis Product Cost Literature Review We all are exposed to marketing in one or the other form everyday. Every time we buy or use a product, go window shopping, watch an advertisement, find a new product or someone telling about it. Marketing outputs are very familiar and are not as narrow as people generally know. Marketing is not just advertising, selling or making people buy things they want or they don’t. Marketing infact covers a wide range of absolutely essential business activities that bring us the products we want them, when we want them, where we want them, with all information. (Kotler P and Keller K, 2006) â€Å"Marketing is the management process that is responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably†. (CIM, 2001) â€Å"Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchange and satisfy individual and organisational objectives†. (AMA, 1985) A definition that includes the important elements of both the AMA and CIM definitions, but still embraces the evolving relationship orientation is offered by Gronroos (1997). â€Å"Marketing is to establish, maintain and enhance relationship with customers and other partners at a profit, so that the objectives of the partners, at a profit, so that the objectives of the parties involved are met. This is achieved by mutual exchange and fulfilment of promises†. (Gronroos C, 1997) Marketing management is the act and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value. (Kottler.P , Keller.K 2006) Marketing is a management process. Marketing involves management skills, requires planning, analysis, resource allocation, control and investment in terms of money, skilled people and physical resources. It also requires implementation monitoring and evaluation. Marketing fulfills customer requirement profitably Marketer has to work within the resource capabilities of the organisation and specifically work within the agreed budgets and performance targets set for the marketing function. Marketing identifies and anticipates customer requirements. Marketer creates some sort of offering only after researching the market and pinpointing exactly what the customer want. Marketing is about giving customers what they want It implies a focus towards the customer or end consumer of the product or service. (Kotler P and Keller K, 2006) Marketing offers and exchanges ideas, goods and services. The idea of marketing is an exchange process, organisation offers a product or service and the customer offers a sum of money in return. (Brassington F and Pettit S, 2006) Marketing deals with identifying and meeting human and social needs, one of the shortest definitions is â€Å"meeting needs profitably†. (Kotler P and Keller K, 2006) Marketing management tasks Capturing marketing insights Developing marketing strategies Connecting with customers Shaping the market offerings Delivering value Communicating value Creating long term growth (Kotler P and Keller K, 2006) The marketing mix is one of the dominant ideas in modern marketing. Marketing mix consists of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its product. The many possibilities gather into 4 P’s. They are Product, Price, Place and Promotion. â€Å"The set of controllable tactical marketing tools– product, price, place and promotion- that blends to produce the response it wants in the target market. Marketing Mix Variety Advertising List price Channels Quality Promotions Discounts Coverage Design Personal selling Allowances Assortments Features Publicity Payment period Locations Brand name Direct selling Credit terms Inventory Packaging Transport Services Warranties Target Market (Kotler et al, 2001, p98) THE 4 Ps of Marketing The four strategies of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place) are interconnected. The marketing mix is one of the dominant ideas in modern marketing. Action in one affects decisions in another. It is the set of controllable tactical marketing tools that blends to give or meet the market needs. Target population must be first selected and then the strategies are applied towards. Marketing mix consists of everything that can influence the demand of the product. PRODUCT- Product can be a tangible object or a service offered by a company to the target market. A product can be any physical object, services, person, places, organisation and ideas that are offered to a market for acquisition, attention, consumption or use that satisfies the customer needs or wants. There are different product levels depending on the customer value hierarchy, they are; core benefit, basic product, expected product, augmented product, potential product. PRICE – Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service rendered, it is also the sum of value that consumers exchange for the benefits of having, using satisfying their needs or wants of the product or service. PROMOTION – Promotion are the activities that communicate the merits of the product or service that persuade the target customer to buy them. Special promotion offers like cash discount, rebates, offers etc. PLACE – Place is all the activities that a companies carries to make the product reach and available to the market. Place is also the distribution channel and distribution of the product or service in the most advantageous and best way possible to the target customer. (Kotler et al, 2001, p98), (Kotler P and Keller K, 2006), (Lancaster G and Massingham L, 1993, p100) Promotion The communication of merits of the product and persuading the customer to purchase is promotion. The benefits of the product have to be communicated to the customers for earning profits and gaining sales. The process of communicating with various form or promotion mix is known as promotion. (Kotler et al, 2001, p98) Promotion mix Promotion mix is the blend of promotional tools, which are, advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, sales force, direct marketing and public relations. These promotional tools are used to communicate or spread awareness to the customers. These tools have different characteristics and costs. Total marketing communications programme carried by a company or a business is called the promotional mix. (Kotler et al, 2001), (Michael J. Barker, 2003) Advertising Any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas or products through the medium or channel like television, newspapers, magazines, hoardings, posters, radio, cinema etc by an identified sponsor. Advertising include not only business firms, but also museums, charitable organisations, and Government agencies that direct messages to target publics. Advertisements are cost-effective way to disseminate messages, whether to build brand preference or to educate people. (Kotler. P, p590, 2005) The intention of advertisement is to inform and to persuade. The two basic aspects of advertising are the message that has to be communicated and how to be communicated. (Keith Crosier, 1998a) Personal Selling Personal selling is one of the effective tools of promotion mix involving an interactive relationship between the seller and the buyer. It is more effective in building up buyer preference, conviction and action. (Philip Kotler, 2005, p580 ; Kotler P and Keller K, 2006, p556) Sales Promotion Sales promotion is used for short run effects to promote product offers and to push sagging sales. Through sales promotion, companies get better, stronger and quicker response from the customers. Ex- contests, coupons, premiums, offers-buy one get one etc.(Philip Kotler, 2005, p580) Public relation or Publicity It is to build good relationship between the public and the company by favourable publicity, thereby building image. Lower in cost compared to advertising. It is most of the times the communication of a product, brand or business by placing information about it in the media without paying for the time or media directly. (Kotler et al, 2001, p690) Direct marketing Direct marketing is an interactive system of marketing that uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response or transaction at any location. Direct connections with carefully targeted individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships by using telephone, mail, e-mail, internet, fax etc. to communicate directly with specific consumer alternative. (Bennett P D, 1995), (Betts et al., CIM, 1998) (Terance A. Shimp, 1997, p386) Promotion mix Advertising Builds awareness, public presentation (impersonal) Repetition of brand awareness and product helps in positioning and build customer trust Personal Selling Immediate and interactive lots of communication between the buyer and seller, sales call are costly. Communicating complex and deeper product information and features. Relationships can be built up important if closing the sale make take a long time. Sales Promotion Can stimulate sales by targeting promotional incentives on particular products Effective short term promotional tool. Public Relations News, stories and features are more authentic and credible. Cheap way of reaching many customers if the publicity is achieved through the right media but lose control. Direct Marketing Direct interaction with targeted individual consumers. Communication can be personalised and activities less visible to competitors. (David Jobber, 2001),( William G. Zikmund and Michael d’Amico, 1998), Kotler P and Keller K, 2006, p555-6) Advertising â€Å"Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor†.(AMA, 1963) â€Å"Advertising is the non-personal communication of marketing related information to a target audience, usually paid for by the advertiser, and delivered through the mass media in order to reach the specific objectives of the sponsor†(Burnett, 1993) Advertising: Its role and structure Developments in magazines, radio and television have had a tremendous impact of advertising. Apart from marketing, advertising may also serve several other functions in the economy and in the society. (Bovee C. L and Arens W. L, 1992) A hierarchy of effects model proposes that ads can move consumers closer to buying step by step, from being unaware, to knowledge, to liking, to preference, to desire, to purchase. The basic functions of advertising are- Precipitation- Create awareness and stimulate needs and wants. Persuasion- Encourage action and commitment Reinforcement- Support customer’s past decisions Reminder- Create habit Advertisings have the ability to add value to the brand as they are capable of endowing a brand with a symbolic meaning that makes more value in the consumer’s eye. (Kotler P and Keller K, 2006, p556) Advertising performs the communication function of a company, which the company has faith on. The main function of advertising are informing, persuading, reminding, adding value and assisting other company efforts. Informing: Advertising makes consumer aware of brands, new brand, educates about the features and benefits, builds brand image or forming o it by reaching the mass audience at a low cost per head. It also increases demand for existing product, teaches new uses of product and awareness. Persuading: Advertisements persuades or try to push the consumers and customers to try the advertised products and services. At chances there is also demand created for the secondary product of the brand. Reminding: Advertisements make the brand memorable by recalling them, they also remind customers of their purchases, influences the consumer’s interest in mature brand bears influence on brand switchers by letting them know about the other. Assisting other company efforts: Advertisement assists other company efforts by carrying the information or spreading the awareness of sales promotion to consumers(coupons, offers). It also helps the consumers in recognising the product or brand by showing the packaging and design on television, hoardings and magazines. (Shimp T. A., 2000) Advantages of advertisements Advertising provides an introduction to the company and its products Advertising explains the products new features Advertisements are more economical Advertisements offering brochures generate leads to sales people Advertisements tell people how to use the products and make them aware of their right purchase. (Kotler P and Keller K, 2006, p556) Advertisings have the capability to compliment the other promotional mix elements, like- Delivering sales promotions directly and supporting them indirectly, carrying public relations messages and announcing public relations activities, it also presells the salesperson’s product. Thereby advertising increases sales and profitability. (Burnett, 1993) The economic impact of advertising can be linked to the opening shot in billiards, a chain reaction that affects the company that advertises as well as its competitors, customers and the business community. On the otherside or broaderscale, advertising is often considered the trigger on mass distribution system that enables the manufacturers to produce the products in high volume, at low prices, standardised quality. Advertising adds value to products, makes products more or less expensive, affects total consumer demand, encourages or discourages competition, narrows or widens consumer choice and affects national business cycles. Advertising influences in an economy that produces more goods and services that can be consumed. (Bovee C. L and Arens W. L, 1992). Advertising is expensive and its effects are uncertain, moreover sometimes it takes time to impact on consumer behaviour. Functions and effects of advertisements as a marketing tool To stimulate the distribution of a product To lower the overall cost of sales To build brand preference and loyalty To identify products and differentiate them from others To communicate information about product, its features and its location of sale To induce consumers to try new products and to suggest reuse. (Bovee C. L and Arens W. L, 1992) The magnitude of advertising Advertising is a big business. USA’s expenditure on advertisements alone total to 200 million dollars as of 1998. Some American companies invest more than 1 billion dollar a year on domestic product. (Coen R. J, 1997) Advertising is investment in brand equity bank Brand’s equity is enhanced by marketing communications that create brand awareness thereby leading to strong, favourable and unique relation in the consumer’s memory between brand, feature and its benefits. (Aaker D. A., 1993). A brand is differentiated from competitive offering from price competition. (Boulding W, 1994) Advertising affects on building brands Advertising helps to build brands by communicating value and adding personality. It is only advertising that can do this task well. Advertising is essential to build consumer perception of brand values in market. (Randall, 1994, p 16) Advertising cannot be evaluated separately and it is an extricable part of total brand. The sales of brand are associated with the advertising expenditure as they are directly proportional. Advertising takes the sales up and down with the increase and decrease with proportion to the communication spread to the consumers of the market. Mraket have instinctive and correct feeling that the brand is the most valued property that evaporates unless supported properly by investment in advertising. (Arnold, D 1993) Brand A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. -American Marketing Association Ultimately, a brand is something that resides in the mind of customer. â€Å"A brand is every sign that is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of a company.† In this definition, the stress is on ‘sign’ and ‘distinguishing’. A sign may be a word, picture or form mark. The brand name is that part of the brand that can be pronounced. A brand name can serve as a characteristic in the recognition of the branded article.(Riezebos.R et al, p-33,63,85, 2003) Brands are fundamentally important to the survival and success of many firms for which companies have to manage them correctly. Strong brands are powerful and profitable yet there are many challenges and threats continuing strength and their existence. Branding is a fundamental strategic process that involves all parts of the firm in its delivery. Brand must always deliver value which must be defined in consumer terms. Brand has a continuing relationship with its buyers and users, this may change overtime but the company should always work on it to maintain it. Branding must be continuously adapted so that it is both efficient and effective due to the threat of growing competition. (Randall G, 2000, p1-5) The connection of Zippo lighters, Swatch watches or Mont blanc pens. With all the views it feels that a brand is something different from a product. When Virgin first started, it sold music as a product. Later the Virgin brand was built up and now is in various fields like airlines, cola, railways and financial services. It is now definitely a brand. A brand has an existence that is more than an actual product or service, it has a life of its own that feeds on the original product but also carries its original values and identify into new product areas. â€Å"A product is something that is made in factory and brand is something that is bought by a consumer† (Randall G, 2000, p1-5) It is every human being’s nature to invent and build brand values in each individual head. We do it with people, we do it with animals and we do it with inanimate objects. The skill of brand management is to see that each consumer is offered the right raw materials from which he or she will build the brand as the brand owner would prefer.(Randall G, 2000, p1-5) A brand is not an objective fact, it is made up of a million or more individual and subjective assessments. (Bullmore, 1999) Hankinson and Cowking (1993) have described brand definition under six headings; Visual Perceptual Positioning Added value Image Personality (Hankinson, G and Cowking, P,1993) Brand Image and Brand Identity Brand image- Brand image is what exists in the minds of consumers and the entire information of the brand they have received by word of mouth, advertising, packaging, experience, service etc. modified by perception, previous beliefs, social norms and forgetting. Brand image is what exists. Brand identity- Brand identity is what is under control and what is transmitted to the market. A strong brand is one that has a consistent, coherent identity. (Randall G, 2000, p1-5). Brand identity consists of twelve dimensions organised around four perspectives- the brand as product(scope, attributes, quality or value, uses, users, country of origin), brand as organisation (organisational attributes, local versus global), brand as person (brand personality, customer relationships), and brand as symbol (visual imagery and heritage). (Randall G, 2000, p68) As per Randall, (1993) brands perform five man functions for consumers. Identity- Brand must identify itself clearly and unambiguously, so name, legal protection and design elements are important. Shorthand summary- The identity should act as a summary of all the information the consumer holds about the brand. Security- Brand should guarantee to provide the benefits expected. Differentiation- The brand must clearly differentiate itself from its competitors and shows its uniqueness. Added value- Brand must offer more than the generic product. (Randall, G, 1993) One more view of brand is to excel in their offering product like price such as Asda, functional benefit such as Toyota or psychological benefit such as Timotei. (Davidson, H, 1997) When General Motors (GM) and Toyota both marketed a car produced by them in joint venture and cars were functionally identical but were branded as Toyota and Geo Prizm. In the course of 1990-94, Toyota were able to sell 200,000 Corollas at US $ 11,000 each and GM were able to sell only 80,000 and that to with a lower price of US $ 10,700. This shows the greater power of the Toyota brand over the other. This shows the perception of quality in consumer’s mind with respect to brand. (Almquist et al, 1998) Brands in Takeovers Nestle made a takeover bid for Rowntree at a premium due to the brand equity or value by Rowntree. The premium was not paid for the present performance of the brand but for their future potential. Nestle made kitkat the truly European brand. Brand Equity Brand equity is a set of liabilities and assets which are attached to a brand, its value, name, symbol of a company to that of the customers. They are grouped under five categories. Brand loyalty Name awareness Perceived quality Brand association in addition to perceived quality Other proprietary brand assets-patents, trademarks, channel relationships etc. (Aaker D A, 1991, p8) Celebrity Endorsements (Brand Ambassadors) Celebrities are individuals who enjoy public acknowledgment by a large share of a certain group of people. Their attributes like attractiveness, skills, extraordinary lifestyle are observed, They also differ from the social norm and take pleasure in a high degree of public awareness. Few classic examples of celebrities like, Meg Ryan, Pierce Brosnan, models like Naomi Campbell, Gisele Buendchen, sports persons like Anna Kournikova, Michael Schumacher entertainers like Oprah Winfrey, Conan O’Brien, and pop stars e.g. Madonna, David Bowie, Britney Spears and Rihanna and also business class or groups like Donald Trump, Bill Gates or politicians like Bill Clinton, Tony Blair. Appearances of celebrities are in different ways. Initially, when they appear in their actual profession (Tennis players in Wimbledon) like Anna Kournikova Pete Sampras. Later, their appearance in public by attending special celebrity events like world premieres of movies and academy awards, in news, magazine s provide information on events and the personal life of celebrities through mass-media. Celebrities act as spokespeople in advertising to promote products, services and ideas. (Kambitsis et al. 2002, Tom et al. 1992). Celebrities like Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Liz Hurley and Tiger Woods are paid billions of dollars for every contract with the company or brand as they play a major role in advertising industry. (Daneshvary, Rennae and Schwer, 2000, Kambitsis et al. 2002). For example, Famous Tennis player Venus Williams has been endorsed by the sportswear manufacturer Reebok International Inc. for $40 million and five year contract. Advertising with the use of celebrities create enormous publicity and attention of people. (Ohanian 1991) Celebrities as Spokespersons Spokespersons are generally used by companies to deliver their advertising message and convince consumers of their products or brands. Spokesperson who are popular and are widely known are endorsed by companies, thereby celebrity endorser (Tom et al. 1992). â€Å"A celebrity endorser is an individual who is known by the people for their achievements in their fields other than the product class endorsed.† (Friedman and Friedman, 1979, p63). Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones endorses the perfume manufactured by Elizabeth Arden (cosmetic manufacturer). Celebrities are endorsed due to their high influential potential capability and their higher recall and degree of attention in advertising. Advertising with celebrities create positive feelings towards brands, more entertaining and increases company’s awareness, Advertising with celebrities are likely affect consumers brand attitudes and purchase behaviour. (Solomon 2002) Source Credibility and Attractiveness The main intention of advertising is to persuade customers, attempt to modify or change consumer’s attitude towards brands (Solomon 2002). Celebrity endorsement strategy by advertisers enables to project an image in terms of persuasiveness, objectiveness, expertise, and trustworthiness. (Till and Shimp 1998). Source attractiveness- It is the endorser’s individuality, physical appearance, likeability, and similarity to the consumer perception, thereby to the perceived social value (Solomon 2002). Using celebrities or attractive people in television and print advertising is common practice followed and have proved to be more successful in influencing customer’s attitudes and beliefs. (Ohanian 1991) The Match-up Hypothesis Many research studies have showed the relativity between brand and celebrity endorsers and explained the effectiveness of using them to promote brands. Many of the celebrity endorsements proved to be successful. (Walker et al. 1992). Celebrity Endorser Company/Product Success (Yes/No) Liz Hurley Estee Lauder Yes Cindy Crawford Revlon PepsiCo Yes Yes Bruce Willis Seagrams No Michael Jordan Nike WorldCom Yes No Whitney Houston ATT No Jerry Seinfeld American Express Yes Milla Jovovich L’Oreal Yes (Successful and unsuccessful celebrity endorsements Source, Walker et al. 1992, Till 1998) It is not enough for a person to be just famous to endorse (Solomon 2002). Super stars like Bruce Willis and Whitney Houston who were attractive failed in their endorsements. Celebrity spokespersons should be knowledgeable, experienced, and qualified to talk about the product to be effective on consumer. (Tom et al. 1992, Daneshvary and Schwer 2000) References Philip Kotler, (2005), Marketing Management, 11th edition, Pearson Education, India AMA, (1985), ‘AMA Board approves new marketing definition’ Marketing news, 1st March, p1. Brassington F and Pettit S, (2006), ‘Principles of marketing’ 4th edition, Pearson education, England. Gronroos, C, (1997), ‘From marketing mix to relationship marketing- Towards a paradigm shift in marketing management decision 35(4), pp322-39. Kotler P and Keller L K, (2006), Marketing management, 12th edition, Prentice Hall, USA. Kotler P, Armstrong G, Saunders J and Wong V, (2001), Principles of marketing, 3rd European edition, Prentice Hall, UK Peter D. Bennett, (1995), Dictionary of marketing terms, American Marketing Association, Chicago. Keith Crosier, (1998a), Advertising, in kitchen, P.J.(ed.) Marketing Communication: Principles and practice, International Thompson Business Press, London. Michael J. Barker, (2003), The marketing book, 5th edition, Heinemann publication, Great Britain. Betts et al., CIM, (1998), Promotional Practice, 5th edition, BPP publishing, London. William G. Zikmund and Michael d’Amico, (1998), Effective marketing-Creating and keeping customers, International Thompson Publishing, USA. Terance A. Shimp, (1997), Aspects of integrated marketing communication, The Dryden press, USA. Lancaster G and Massingham L, (1993), Marketing management, McGraw Hill Company, Great Britain David Jobber, (2001), Principles and practice of marketing, McGraw Hill publishing company, UK. CIM, (2001), Marketing management, BPP publishing, London.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Physics of Glacier Flow :: physics glaciers ice

How Glaciers Flow - Glaciers flow under the force of gravity as snow accumulates on the upper parts of the glacier and wants moves down slope. - The snow compresses to become ice and flows through the glacier into the ablation zone where it is lost. - If the accumulation equals the ablation than the glacier is said to be in equilibrium and its position will not change. This does not mean that the ice will not flow! Accumulation Zone The area where inputs occur into a glacier system. This usually occurs near the top of the glacier or ice sheet and such inputs to the system include snowfall, wind blown snow, rain and avalanches. Ablation Zone The region in which more mass is lost than gained in a glacier system. This usually occurs at the end and sides of the glacier. Forms of losses include wind ablation, avalanching, iceberg calving and melting. Glaciers flow through three different mechanisms: (1) by internal deformation; (2) by basal sliding; and (3) by subglacial deformation. Glacier Flow Mechanisms Internal Deformation Ice deforms under its own weight due to gravity and the movements of tiny ice crystals. Thicker and warmer ice deforms more rapidly although the overall movement is very slow, only around tens of meters a year. There are two main processes of internal deformation; creep, which forms fold structures, and faulting, which occurs when ice cannot creep fast enough and forms superficial tensional fractures. Basal Sliding Enhanced Basal Creep - Stress concentrations around the upstream side of an obstacle result in locally high strain rates which causes ice to accelerate around the obstacle. The basal ice continually modifies its shape to allow a continued sliding. This process works best when the obstacle is over 1m in size. Regelation - The process allows glacier ice to slide over rough beds by melting and refreezing on the downglacier side. It occurs as the most resistance to glacier movement is provided by the upstream side of obstacles. This results in locally high pressures and the consequent encouragement of ice melting immediately upglacier of the obstacle. The resulting meltwater migrates to the lower pressure area downstream where it refreezes. This process is most effective when objects are less than 1m in size. Subglacial deformation Sediment has a lower yield strength than rock and ice and so it is deformable. As the sediment deforms, it moves the ice sheet with it. Ice Velocites * The surface velocities of a glacier can be measured quite easily using GPS.

Crime Essay -- essays research papers

Crime   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is crime? Crime is an act committed in violation of law for which punishment is imposed upon conviction. It also can be unlawful activity, a serious offense, especially in violation of morality. Crime effects anyone, and everyone. People that commit crimes are of all gender, color, ethnicity etc. Crime effects all towns, cities, states, and countries; even though many places are significantly different in matters of crime that takes place there. Take for example: Johnstown, Pennsylvania with a crime rate of 16.6 crimes per 1,000 residents in 1999 and Miami, Florida with a crime rate of 87.4 crimes per 1,000 residents in 1999. Crimes in these two cities are on the opposite ends of extremes. The United States has lo...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Impact of the Internet on Society Essay -- Technology Sociology

The Impact of the Internet on Society The Internet is, quite literally, a network of networks. It is comprised of ten thousands of interconnected networks spanning the globe. The computers that form the Internet range from huge mainframes in research establishments to modest PCs in people's homes and offices. Despite the recent hype, the Internet is not a new phenomenon. Its roots lie in a collection of computers that were linked together in the 1970s to form the US Department of Defense's communications systems. Fearing the consequences of nuclear attack, there was no central computer holding vast amounts of data, rather the information was dispersed across thousands of machines. A set of rules, of protocols, known as TCP/IP was developed to allow disparate devices to work together. The original network has long since been upgraded and expanded and TCP/IP is now a "de facto" standard. Millions of people worldwide are using the Internet to share information, make new associations and communicate. Individuals and businesses, from students and journalists, to consultants, programmers and corporate giants are all harnessing the power of the Internet. For many businesses the Internet is becoming integral to their operations. Imagine the ability to send and receive data: messages, notes, letters, documents, pictures, video, sound- just about any form of communication, as effortlessly as making a phone call. It is easy to understand why the Internet is rapidly becoming the corporate communications medium. Using the mouse on your computer, the familiar point-and-click functionality gives you access to electronic mail for sending and receiving data, and file transfer for copying files from one computer to another. Telnet services allow you to establish connections with systems on the other side of the world as if they were just next door. This flood of information is a beautiful thing and it can only open the minds of society. With the explosion of the World Wide Web, anyone could publish his or her ideas to the world. Before, in order to be heard one would have to go through publishers who were willing to invest in his ideas to get something put into print. With the advent of the Internet, anyone who has something to say can be heard by the world. By letting everyone speak their mind, this opens up all new ways of thinking to anyone who is willing to ... ...ia Internet." †¢ Libicky Martin. Sept.1997. Physics Today. "Information Warfare: A brief guide to defense Preparedness." †¢ Chidley Joe- Caragata Warren. May 1995. Maclean ¡Ã‚ ¦s. "Crime in Cybercity." †¢ Ricci Steven. Oct.1998. Professional counselor. "A Tangled Web." †¢ Belsie Laurent. Jul.1994. Christian Science Monitor. "The Dark Side of Cyberspace." †¢ Hayes Brian. Sept./Oct.1994. American scientist. "The world Wide Web" †¢ Elias Marilyn- Weise Elizabeth. Apr.1998. "Digital Drug." †¢ Birkerts Sven. Jul.1997. National Review. "The Net and the Self." †¢ Rogers Adams. Aug.1998. Newsweek. "Good Medicine on the Web." †¢ Mannix Margaret. Jun.1997. U.S. News & World Report. "Exposed Online." †¢ Levy Steven. Jul.1997. Newsweek. "On the Net, Anything Goes." †¢ Hellwege Jean. Jun.1997. Trial. "Privacy on the Internet." †¢ Laver Ross.Sept.1998. Maclean ¡Ã‚ ¦s. "The Sadness of Cyberspace." †¢ McAllester Matthew. Sept.1998. Newsday. "Identity Crisis." Websites †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ The Impact of the Internet on Society Essay -- Technology Sociology The Impact of the Internet on Society The Internet is, quite literally, a network of networks. It is comprised of ten thousands of interconnected networks spanning the globe. The computers that form the Internet range from huge mainframes in research establishments to modest PCs in people's homes and offices. Despite the recent hype, the Internet is not a new phenomenon. Its roots lie in a collection of computers that were linked together in the 1970s to form the US Department of Defense's communications systems. Fearing the consequences of nuclear attack, there was no central computer holding vast amounts of data, rather the information was dispersed across thousands of machines. A set of rules, of protocols, known as TCP/IP was developed to allow disparate devices to work together. The original network has long since been upgraded and expanded and TCP/IP is now a "de facto" standard. Millions of people worldwide are using the Internet to share information, make new associations and communicate. Individuals and businesses, from students and journalists, to consultants, programmers and corporate giants are all harnessing the power of the Internet. For many businesses the Internet is becoming integral to their operations. Imagine the ability to send and receive data: messages, notes, letters, documents, pictures, video, sound- just about any form of communication, as effortlessly as making a phone call. It is easy to understand why the Internet is rapidly becoming the corporate communications medium. Using the mouse on your computer, the familiar point-and-click functionality gives you access to electronic mail for sending and receiving data, and file transfer for copying files from one computer to another. Telnet services allow you to establish connections with systems on the other side of the world as if they were just next door. This flood of information is a beautiful thing and it can only open the minds of society. With the explosion of the World Wide Web, anyone could publish his or her ideas to the world. Before, in order to be heard one would have to go through publishers who were willing to invest in his ideas to get something put into print. With the advent of the Internet, anyone who has something to say can be heard by the world. By letting everyone speak their mind, this opens up all new ways of thinking to anyone who is willing to ... ...ia Internet." †¢ Libicky Martin. Sept.1997. Physics Today. "Information Warfare: A brief guide to defense Preparedness." †¢ Chidley Joe- Caragata Warren. May 1995. Maclean ¡Ã‚ ¦s. "Crime in Cybercity." †¢ Ricci Steven. Oct.1998. Professional counselor. "A Tangled Web." †¢ Belsie Laurent. Jul.1994. Christian Science Monitor. "The Dark Side of Cyberspace." †¢ Hayes Brian. Sept./Oct.1994. American scientist. "The world Wide Web" †¢ Elias Marilyn- Weise Elizabeth. Apr.1998. "Digital Drug." †¢ Birkerts Sven. Jul.1997. National Review. "The Net and the Self." †¢ Rogers Adams. Aug.1998. Newsweek. "Good Medicine on the Web." †¢ Mannix Margaret. Jun.1997. U.S. News & World Report. "Exposed Online." †¢ Levy Steven. Jul.1997. Newsweek. "On the Net, Anything Goes." †¢ Hellwege Jean. Jun.1997. Trial. "Privacy on the Internet." †¢ Laver Ross.Sept.1998. Maclean ¡Ã‚ ¦s. "The Sadness of Cyberspace." †¢ McAllester Matthew. Sept.1998. Newsday. "Identity Crisis." Websites †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Development Strategy of Luxury Company Essay

1. Introduction â€Å"As long as there is a society, there will always be fashion†. It was not surprised a fashion brands, especially a luxury fashion brands became a national treasure which effect the issues in business, political and social area in European countries. Since the Hermas established in 1837, a special development strategy model has formed and matured in European luxury group. Daniele de winter, the CEO of Daniele de Winter Cosmetics state that â€Å"the secret of successful fashion management is a complete blend of creative genius and business management acumen, skill and resourcefulness†. The develop strategy is the key issue for a successful luxury fashion company. With the development of economy and the increase of income, more and more luxury fashion companies expand their business into Asia- Pacific region, especially the Hong Kong and mainland China market. According to the annual report of Richemont, The Pinault-Printemps-Redoute (PPR), Hemes, Bulberry and other luxury fashion companies, the sale revenue of Asia- Pacific region accounts for more than 30% of the Group total revenue. The Change of Global Luxury Fashion Market. The word â€Å"luxury† origin from Latin word â€Å"luxuria†, which means an item that â€Å"is expensive and enjoyable but no essential (Waite, 2012)†. In 186 BCE, the victory of army of Gnaeus Manlius Vulso brought such overseas luxury as bronze couches, and costly cloth spreads into Rome. For some Roman historians, the triumph of Vulso marked as the beginning of luxury industry in Europe. With the development of centres, modern luxury fashion industry has become a cross-sectors industry which offers high price goods and service for target consumers. However, in the space of two decades, the modern luxury market has changed beyond recognition. The narrow range of need and demand of target consumers and the exclusive- distribution channels, represented by French Fashion, have been replaced by a mass industry, accompanied by expansion brands with an affordable price by a wider range of consumers. Since the beginning of 1990s, the luxury industry has been recognised and restructured by designers and the fashion designers become the creator of art. According to the statistics from France Economic and Social Council in 2008 (France Economic and Social Council, 2008), with the strategy of â€Å"physical shop/ store† and expansion brands benefit seven million euros. Depending on the diversion and internationalisation, the luxury industry becomes an industry with wider consumers. For example, Hemes, managed by Jean-Louis Dumas, diversities their goods and creates new products. The French luxury manufacture gets a successful on brand art by purchasing crystal brand Saint Louis and Silversmith Puiforcat. Similarly, Richemont Family, the main competitor of French brand, also control numbers of brands, such as Carites, Baume & Mercier and Van Cleef & Arpells. The second change of luxury industry is the transformation from the handmade custom to industrial standardisation. Taking LVMH as example, there are three cores of product, as wines and spirit, luggage and leather, and fashion and perfume industry. The famous brands in luxury world, like as Moet & Chandon, Loewe, Vuitton, Givenchy, Kenzo, Dior and Guerlain, standardise the products like other heavy industries. Along with the profit-seeking financial logic, the marketing and the product standardisation become the major notion with the concept of large-scale product. In the new centre, the concept of luxury industry and the demand of consumers are changing all the time. â€Å"Heritage and Prestige† is the landmark of lots of luxury brands and the enduring value of numbers of particular brands. Comparing with the old style luxury brand â€Å"which used to be a heritage brand† (Coste-Maniere, et al. , 2012), the new concept of luxury, developed by Louis Vuitton and Burberry, means accepted by more consumers. For the occasional customers, they just enjoy the â€Å"right of luxury† in physical store against with the traditional customer-exclusive. In the new era, increasing the number of customers buy the fashion product they could afford, rather than become the royal consumer due to the high price. Consequently, emphasis of consumer need and the competitive advantage means centralising the core value and expending brand boundary simultaneously. 2. 2 The Development Strategy Model of Luxury Fashion Brand The luxury fashion brand originate in European countries which have plentiful historical and cultural background. With the development of servial centres, the luxury fashion industry in European, American and Japanese have become mature and standarlisation. Under this circumstance, the strategy of luxury development in western countries centralize on the brand expansion, striving for the core products and development of brand reputation. 2. 2. 1 Brand Expansion: the Foundational Strategy Under the press of financial-seeking strategy and the changeable of luxury market, the old style luxury fashion brand faces the challenge of development in the mature market in traditional European, American and Japanese region. Under this circumstance, the expansion of brands has become the foundational strategy for a large number of luxury fashion corporates, which offer a new opportunity to stress the brand image, the most significant assets for a luxury fashion company. (Albrecht, et al. , 2013; Uggla & Lashgari, 2012; Hoffmann & Coste-Maniere, 2012)Many luxury companies breakthrough the traditional product boundary and expensed their business into new market segmentations. For instance, Louis Vuitton, beginning with luggage, invested in other creative spheres: ready-to-wear industry as well as jewellery market (LVMH, 2012), and Gucci, beginning with leather goods, developed all sets of fashion products including leather goods, shoes, ready-to-wear, watches, jewellery and other products. (PPR, 2012). Meanwhile, there are some companies expensed segments into non-traditional area. For example, the luxury jewellery manufacture Bulgari and Italian brand Versace started to offer hotel under their brand (LVMH, 2012) and Armani provide different products from books, furniture and chocolates to restaurants, bars and spas. The another Italian luxury brand, Roberro Cavalli, famous for its fashion apparel for young generation, offer wine and vodka as well as run coffee bar (The Cavalli Caffe) and club (The Cavalli Club). 2. 2. 2 Striving for the Core: The Product Strategy For a global corporate, it is common rules of development depend on the core production or service and then diversification. However, even as diversification, the excellence core production and the strongest sectors within the luxury brands continued to earn the majority of its profits from the traditional products. (Ahrendts, 2013; Beverland, 2005; Miller & Mills, 2012). For luxury consumer, they expect to acquire a honorable brands and product so that they emphase on the value of core heritage. The leather goods, the core of Gucci Group, earn 59% of its revenue in 2012 (PPR, 2012). The iconic luggage is the tradition from the time corporate was founded and become the brand image of the LVMH Group. (LVMH, 2011) The turning of Burberry from a ageing British brand to a global luxury brand is a successful product strategy transition. Before 2006, through in a burgeoning global market. Burberry faced a low growth at a rate of 2 percentage every year and two competitors – LVMH and PPR had more than 12 times and 16 times Burberry’s sale revenue. By surving the sectors among Burberry products all over the world, the results indicate the outerwear, as the core, only accourted of 20% of Burberry’s global brand business. Figure 1: the Facts and Financial Statistics of Burberry (Resource from: Burberry, Yahoo Finance) [pic] After brainstorming and formalizing from the administrative board, the New Jersey factore which is making polo shirts was closed and invested in the Casteford factory in Yorkshire which make the heritage trech coat included traditional rainwear and exclusive waterproof gabardine. Burberry also hire Christopher Bailey as the global designer for innovation of core products. The facts and financial statistic of Burberry from 2006 to 2012 in Figure 1 showed that the decision to focus on the heritage opened up a wealth of creativity. By the end of 2012, the sale revenues and operating income had doubled than previous 5 years, achieving $3 billion and $600 billion respectively. (Burberry, 2007; Burberry, 2012) 2. 2. 3 The Brand Reputation: The Brand Strategy The brand is the most valuable part of luxury goods and the motivity of luxury consumption. Once separating from the luxury brand, the goods is the ordinary one. Every successful company sees the brand as the most valuable fortune. they use the advanced marketing logic and marketing operation to motivate the development, explore approaches to express the value and connotation of brands to luxury consumers and attract the royality of customers. As a tool of art, a carrier of history, and a spirit of classic, building-up a high quiality reputation is brand strategy for luxury companies. Since founded in 1847, Cartier, as one of the most established name in the jewellay market, is the reference of ture and timeless luxury. Designing by Cartier, the product distinguishes itself by the unique skills and excellence in design and execution. Nearly in 30 years, the extensive art activities are not competitive without the support by the Foundation Crtier pour l’Art Contemporain (Richemont, 2013). With the development of brand reputation, Cartier is the synonym of modern art and a pioneering approach. Meanwhile, most of luxury brands come from the centre of Renaissance 2. 3 The Features of Chinese Luxury Market Chinese market places the second place in the world of luxury consumption, surpassing the United States since 2008. Along with Japan, China is the strongest market with the increasing demand of 20 percentages. The consulting report from Glob Advantage estimate there are 18 thousand billionaires, 440 thousand multimillionaires and increasing the number of middle class achieving 250 million in 2015 in today’s China (Degen, 2009), which have the strong purchase power and need of luxury fashion industry. Even with the influence of the financial crisis, the sale revenue of luxury fashion in the mainland China rose by 16 percent, reaching about 64 billion RMB. The market research about Chinese market laid a foundation for the development and expansion strategy of luxury brands. The shifting attitudes to luxury brands, the greater sophistication of Chinese consumers and the new geographic markets have become the main features of Chinese luxury market. The three characteristics drive the global strategy of development for luxury brands. Figure 2 According to the survey of McKinsey & Company (KPMG, 2013), with the rapidly increase of income, more and more Chinese consumers shifts the attitude to luxury and feel comfortable to purchasing luxury products. The rich consumers which income over 300,000 RMB continued occupy the majority of the luxury purchase. Meanwhile, the statistics show that, the upper middle class (between 100,000 RMB and 200,000 RMB), which account for 22% of luxury goods purchase by the end of 2015, as the Figure 2 suggested, offers the biggest new growth opportunity. 2. 3. 1 The increasing number of overseas travel In the information era, Chinese consumers have become more sophisticated than before. With the surge in the number of luxury stores, fashion magazine, the Web official site and the use of social media, Chinese consumers familiar with the luxury brands with the help of Internet, overseas travel, and the first-hand experience. For example, the research result indicated that in the last 12 months, the Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macro and Europe become the main destinations of overseas luxury purchase. Figure 3: Where did you purchase your cosmetics in the last 12 months? (Resource from: Global Reach of China Luxury of KPMG) [pic] 2. 3. 2 The increase of new market segmentation The rapidly growth of urbanisation and individual wealth emerge large quantity of geographic markets with sizable pools of luxury-goods consumptions. The luxury purchase and sale revenue of some medium and small cities, such as Qingdao in Shandong province and Wuxi in Zhejiang province, tripled than the previous 5 years. In the following years, the luxury consumption in these medium and small cities will achieve the same level with Hangzhou and Nanjing, the most developed market in mainland China, the sale of which will arrive at RMB 500 million yuan and account for 76% of whole market. 2. 3. 3 The increasing of Counterfeit goods Love for luxury, preference for counterfeit is a unique phenomenon in luxury consumption in Chinese luxury market. According to a report entitled â€Å"Transnational Organized Crime in East Asia and the Pacific† from Office on Drugs and Crime, almost 70% of global counterfeits luxury goods come from China and the value of counterfeit luxury goods imported into traditional luxury market on the order of $25 billion annually. In a confusion society , the luxury consumption of Chinese consumers become more irrationally than western consumer, which depended on the extenral need rather internal need (Zhang & Kim, 2013). For Chinese consumers, luxury brands are somethings â€Å"must to have† for them to reinforce their social status. however, the wealth gap between the rich and the poor in China is the largest all over the world, which offer the passion for consumption of luxury counterfeits. The young generation, aged 25 to 34 with limited budget for genuine luxury fashion goods, racked up nearly a quarter fo fake fanciers. 2. 4 The Passion for Luxury Consumption of Chinese consumers China is the second largest luxury market all over the world and attracting the attention of consumption of Chinese consumers. Under the influence of unique economic situation, cultural background and social factor, the behaviour of Chinese consumers in luxury fashion market have the distinctive characteristics. The bling factor influenced by economic situation, the saving face affected by the Confucianism and group orientation as the social factor drive the luxury consumption in Chinese fashion market. 2. 4. 1 The â€Å"Bling† Factor With the emerging of Internet, fashion magazines and social media, more and more Chinese consumers know the brands of luxury brands. However, the cultural concept and history of the luxury fashion brands are far away from numbers of Chinese luxury consumers. For many luxury fashion firms, there is not one typical luxury customer in China due to the different habits, different tastes and different income levels. The â€Å"bling† factor or following the whole market trend remains an important factor for the Chinese consumer in luxury fashion market. For example, according to luxury consumer report of Chinese market, almost 60 percent of the respondents in Tier 1 cities including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and other Tier 2 cities, stated that the key drivers for luxury consumption is the willingness to pay a product that just is popular or fashionable goods. Exclusivity or unique is an important understanding of luxury brand for Chinese consumption. There are about one fifth of customers consider that they will pay the luxury goods that are known and appreciated by the minority rather than the famous one. In terms of China’s unique cultural background, the Chinese consumers consider luxury brand value influenced by Confucianism. In the concept of Confucian, the notion of â€Å"mianzi† is defined as a reputation â€Å"achieved through getting on in through success and ostentation†. (Hu, 1944; Dong & Lee, 2007) The traditional cultural understanding and effecting about the face saving becomes the strongest and most conspicuous passion for luxury consumption, which means concerning about the impress to other and the visual display than the level of income. The Chinese consumer in luxury world trend to pay a premium product on the luxury brand rather than essential goods in daily life, due to strong desire and pressure of maintaining face. Taking the finding of KPMG as the example, comparing with the apparel, the stronger growth of market for fashion accessories is considerable. Nearly 40% of luxury consumers enjoy the luxury experiences and â€Å"the right of luxury† in a physical store/shop over purchases of luxury items. Overall, the face saving (saving mianzi) relates to the individual image of worth and reputation within a collectivism society. As the result, Chinese consumers are often careful not to lose face by standing out from the crowed when consuming luxury goods. The general strategy Although the market has its particular features, the development of luxury fashion strategy in Chinese luxury market is followed the general rules of luxury firms in global market. As the foundation strategy, the brand extension and production diversification also provide the base of the development in Chinese luxury market. The apparel, handbag, jewellery, fashion accessories and luxury servicers are offered in mainland China, especially in Tier 1 cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Promoting the sale revenue of the core products in mainland China, as the product strategy, enhances the brand awareness in Chinese market. Expanding the influence, luxury fashion firms invest large amount of money to popularize the brand reputation as a simple of elegance and grandeur as well as the means of fashion and art. The marketing strategy: raising brand awareness. Due to the lower brand awareness and lack of knowledge of brand value, the royalty of brand in Chinese market is lower than its in traditional European market. The special situation provides a strong externally powerful tool, which means not only expand the value of the luxury brand into a regular group of consumers, but also sway them making a purchase. In recent year, luxury fashion firm invest increasing the number of budget into Chinese market not only promote the brand awareness, but also help the consumers inform a notion about †luxury goods and luxury lifestyle† and why they should purchase luxury goods and luxury services. The brand building-up develop based not only the advertising on hard paper and television, also included the display on luxury goods exhibition and the customised publications. Nowadays, more and more luxury fashion goods exhibition held in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, which offer a good opportunity for Chinese consumers to visit the luxury goods frequently displayed in store. Meanwhile, more and more consumers visiting the exhibition are not an onlooker. The localisation strategy. The luxury fashion brand with high brand awareness contain the European and American culture and value which is living standard of high level, the product and design of high quality. Those values accepted by and attract young generation who trend to, however, it is not accepted by all Chinese consumers who have their own value. Respecting to Chinese traditional culture and integrated it into the product value is the essential of luxury fashion business in China. For example, Louis Vuitton setting Du Juan, the one of top Chinese model all over the world, and advertising as the Chinese image step one right place on direction and help western luxury fashion companies overcome the cultural barriers. This kind of strategy could build up strong attachments among Chinese consumers and help them accepted the unique characteristic of luxury fashion brands. The pricing strategy Price is one of the most significant signals in Chinese business world. For most Chinese consumers, price represented the value of luxury fashion goods. As a result, the luxury fashion products should not go on discount, no matter what the consumer is. The pricing strategy about goods, especially about core products, could bolster a brand’s prestige. For other items, companies could adjust the price according to the market condition and the inventory in order to long-term brand building. The retailing strategy A stupendous store belongs to the luxury fashion company located in the luxury area build up a sense of important and identified by the market. The luxury fashion positioning enhanced if the boutiques are visible to a lot of consumer in major fashion cities. The landmark stores opened in Chinese Tier 1 cities, such as Beijing, Hangzhou and Guangzhou, are the best locations to building the brand image and attracting the target customer groups. The commercial centres and shopping malls in luxury area are welcomed by most of fashion lovers, luxury followers and luxury intellectuals. Meanwhile, the investment on the landmark store is the best and effective way to generate profits and build-up brand royalty. In an Internet era, shopping online has become the major shopping way, especially for the young people. Although most luxury fashion companies have shied away from online channels due to the fearing that e-commerce might reduce the value of the luxury brand. However, for a long-term return and brand building, online platform provides not only a purchase channel, but also an information exchange channel between luxury fashion brand and Chinese consumers. With the developing of GDP and individual income of consumers, the global luxury fashion market and such the emerging market as China, have become the strategic focus of luxury market researcher and the consult company. This report attempts to identify development strategy of the luxury fashion brand, especially in mainland China market through the analysis of the change of global luxury fashion brand, overview of Chinese luxury market and the passion for luxury consumption. All those factors were identified depend on a comprehensive review of luxury fashion goods related researches and market consulting reports. The findings of this study provide a new insight of global and Chinese luxury fashion market for the consumers who interests the luxury fashion brand and a clear strategy guide for market managers of the luxury fashion firms, particular in the time of the company expand their business in mainland China. In addition, the study helps reduce the risks and costs of market research and helps the company overcome the huge gap in a multicultural business environment. First, the findings about the global luxury fashion market and the general development strategy in luxury fashion market all over the world indicated that the achieving the growth while remaining exclusive positioning, and attracting more consumers without losing cachet of brand value is the core strategy for every luxury corporates. The more loyal consumers may weaken due to the popular brands launched in the market because they choose pay a premium goods that majority and identified by small group. Consequently, the balance between growth and unique, the price and quality may be tougher in China than in any other market. However, customization develops quickly as the new trend of luxury fashion industry. The customizing activities have launched in different business sectors, but which is yet adopted by the luxury industry on a board. At presents, the customization just limited on the area of fashion accessories, apparel, handbags, and jewellery, and emphasising on customizing standard products, point of delivery customization and service and producing bespoke goods. Secondly, the increasing the number of consumers, overseas traveller, new market segments and the counterfeits goods have become the main features in the Chinese luxury fashion market in recent years. The features are important of stress the benefits of investment in mainland China. Based on the research findings, International marketers should setting extension strategy that is coherent with branding, merchandising and global image by serving China’s globetrotting shoppers, striking the balance between store numbers and quality and focusing anti-counterfeit goods. For Chinese globetrotting shoppers, the customer relationship management should emphasis global view rather than on mainland China. In the view of higher management board, the corporate organisational structure of the luxury fashion company should reflect the significant of Chinese market by sorting up the processes for generating direct communication between Chinese luxury consumers and the home headquarter. Based on the new market segmentation, the luxury company should upgrade current stores and outlets in order to keep consistent with the global image and emphasis on the business in Tier 1 cities. As the market statistics indicated that the luxury counterfeit goods have become the barriers for development in China, including seizing sale revenue and weakening brand value. Luxury fashion companies should co-operate with customs officials to seize fake goods at ports. Working with international national organisation or international associations should be the third path for anti-counterfeit activities. The co-operation should ranges from such international associations as World Intellectual Property to regional groups like US-focused International Anti-Counterfeits Coalition. Thirdly, the research findings about the passions for Chinese luxury fashion consumption indicated that the â€Å"bling† customers who lack of knowledge about luxury fashion goods or just following the trend account of a part of Chinese luxury consumers. Besides that, Chinese luxury consumption deeply influenced by saving faces and group orientation, which are the part of traditional Confusion value. Targeting different drivers of luxury consumption, managers should have different strategies. For the bling customers, the global luxury firms should invest in improving the brand awareness and expanding the brand value, which could offer a global opportunity to attracting potential customers and building loyalty and repeat customer groups. For the consumers who care about saving face, International luxury fashion markers should draw the outline of visual and outward appearance of rank and status when unfolding their marketing activities. Meanwhile, the companies should emphasise the brand’s country of origin, so the Chinese consumers have the confident to identified and distinguished with other mass products. In addition, the package of luxury goods also need to be recognisable in order to fit the moderate and lifestyle associated with Chinese consumers. Furthermore, in light of the results about group orientation, the management board company should stress the profit of luxury fashion goods as a symbol of social marker and the sale assistants inspire consumer purchases because of the goods could generate a sense of group belonging and conformity of the elite. Due to the group belonging, a special attention should be given to the layout of the physical store and the luxury service of sale staff. No matter who is the consumer, friends will be involved during the decision making process and become potential consumers in the future. Proving high-quality services and creating luxury experience for non-buyers also benefit for making sure that the brand accepted by group and that the consumer does not stand out from others. Finally, about the current expansion strategy in mainland China market, most of luxury fashion companies emphasis the strategy on marking, localization, pricing and retailing coherent with the global business aims. Raising brand awareness and expressing the luxury lifestyle lay the foundation of marketing strategy. In order to respect to Chinese traditional culture, luxury brands should integrate Chinese culture and art into design, package, and store layout of products, which accepted easily by Chinese consumers in different social class. Meanwhile, the research findings indicated that the price is the most important factor which influenced Chinese luxury consumption. Luxury marketers should balance the price between Chinese market and overseas. As for the retailing strategy, the luxury brand stresses the developing of boutiques store and the setting up online distribution channels. However, there are several special attention should be given to price gap between China and overseas, and the online distribution channels. On one hand, comparing with that rarely go on discount in mainland China, the luxury fashion goods is often at a discount at overseas, especially for the non-core products and in the time of Christmas or Summer Sale. On the other hand, the high rate of tax and fees raise up the price of luxury fashion goods in mainland China. According to the law and regulations in China, a luxury fashion goods, such as the eye cream of Estee Lauder native to the UK, is imported into Chinese market with 10% import tariff, 30% consumption tax, 5% sales tax and 17% value-add tax. Including the managing fees, advertising costs and other issues, the price of the eye cream is double in the UK. In the respect of the luxury company, the appreciate discount in Chinese market could promote the desire of consumption and boost the sale revenue; in the respect of tax policy makers in mainland China, reducing the rate of import tariff and consumption tax of international luxury fashion goods could Finally, luxury fashion goods, as a subject of nature, play different or scenarios, different income level, education background, and social – economic factors, as well as exam the type of relationship that seek from luxury fashion brands. On the view of passions for luxury consumption, there are many other drivers, such as collection, appreciation, should take the consideration into further research.